Privacy engineering (and engineers) are hot! Privacy engineering has emerged as a vital function for almost every business. Privacy engineers can... 12 May, 2022
Preparing for the iapp CIPP/E Exam? Some exam prep tips Thinking of taking the iapp CIPP/E exam but not sure how to prepare or whether... 22 October, 2020
5 Tips on Preparing for the CIPP/E exam 5 practical tips on CIPP/E exam prep for anyone thinking of taking the exam. What is... 28 October, 2021
CIPP/E Update: What you need to know From July 1, 2021 the CIPP/E body of knowledge and exam will be updated. The changes... 30 June, 2021
Domain 1: The most challenging CIPP/E domain? Domain 1 questions are the most challenging for the respondents to our on-line CIPP/E. Do you... 22 May, 2021
What’s in a name? Developing a privacy workforce taxonomy Our research shows little consistency in titles for advertised privacy jobs in Australia. You can... 02 September, 2020